The Moon is likely to become the industrial hub of the Solar System, supplying the rocket fuels for its ships, easily obtainable from the lunar rocks in the form of liquid oxygen. The reason lies in its gravity. Because the Moon has only an eightieth of the Earth"s mass, it requires 97 per cent less energy to travel the quarter of a million miles from the Moon to Earth-orbit than the 200 mile-journey from Earth"s surface into orbit!(《新概念英语》第四册)
Theorists are divided concerning the origin of the Moon. Some hypothesize that the Moon was formed in the same way as were the planets in the inner solar system--- from planet-forming materials in the presolar nebula. But unlike the cores of the inner planets, the Moon’s core contains little or no iron, while the typical planet forming materials were quite rich in iron.(GRE)
不难发现,上面这两段文章不但在话题上相似,在难度上也是惊人的相似。因为新概念四采用的是原汁原味的英语,跟国外英语考试出题的来源相似。打开久违的新概念四,你会感叹:这不就是一篇篇的阅读真题, 一份份的写作范文么!
通过对新四的学习,我们可以重新审视GRE,这个很多人眼中高不可攀的大山,原来离我们这么近。当真正明白了它们之间的关系时,我们就会发现GRE乖巧 的就像邻家小妹,亲切的就像对门的大哥。当然,它不光对GRE有用,从国内的四六级、考研、到国外的托福雅思SAT,都能在其中找到源源不断的营养。
Refusal —denial
A journalist’s refusal to identify his source of information has landed him in prison before now.
He gave the statement an unqualified denial.
Descent--- decent
The pilot managed an emergency descent and landed in a field.
Decent citizens have nothing to fear from this legislation.
Compulsory --- necessary
In China, education is compulsory between the ages of 6 and 15.
Is it a necessary to wear a tie?